Design Challenge Day One.

Morayo Joy Egbayelo
1 min readNov 7, 2023


On the list, the first design challenge is “Data Table”. I’ve always seen Data Table has one of the difficult thing to design .Although it looks simple, like something you can just export from Google spreadsheet or any other excel sheet and formulate to your preferred style. Honestly, I dread the day I’ll have to design a Data Table but I didn’t know the day will come this soon. After I saw the task I knew I have no choice but to get on with it and fulfill my duty.

Day 1 Design Challenge: Data Table.

First, I did my design research, went on different platform such as Pinterest, Dribble, and Behance. Secondly, I went on Youtube to watch videos on how to design a Data Table and after that I went to do more design research, then I sketched what I want my design table to look like. Because I love challenging my abilities, while I was researching, I decided to design a responsive Data Table.



Morayo Joy Egbayelo

Hey there! My name is Morayo Joy Egbayelo. I'm a Product Designer. I enjoy doing UX research. I'll be writing about my journey as a Product Designer. Follow me.